Homemade and natural remedies to remove stains on the skin

February 05, 2018

We all want to have a porcelain-like skin, with a uniform tone and free of imperfections and spots. Although there are certain pigmentations that some people might find nice like freckles and moles, there are other spots that nobody likes like cloth (melasma), sun spots and age spots.

Stains on the skin can come out for a variety of reasons. It can be due to inheritance, due to age, hormonal changes, damage caused by the sun or a poor diet. Ingredients such as cucumber, lemon juice, potato juice and parsley are popular remedies for fading skin blemishes.

Important - You should consult a dermatologist or a health professional before implementing any of these home remedies. Some ingredients can stain the skin with the sun. Do not expose yourself to the sun without having washed your skin thoroughly. For extra protection, sun block should be used.

Natural remedies to remove skin spots

1. Hair spots

A recipe to reduce the appearance of hair stains is made with 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons milk, aloe vera pulp. Squeeze the lemon and mix with the milk. Apply it to the affected area and when it is dry put the pulp of aloe vera (the pulp of aloe vera must be clean, wash it before to remove the yellow liquid, popularly known as "iodine") and cover it with gauze. Leave it several hours and rinse with water.

2. Mash of cassava to remove spots on the face

Put a cassava to boil until it softens. Make a cassava puree and apply it to the face. Effective to erase the cloth and the scars caused by acne.

3. Skin spots in general

To remove stains from the face in general, crush the bulb of a Mayo onion (hymenocallis harrisiana) and smear it on the spots every night.

4. Yogurt and carrot for skin spots

Yogurt and carrots are good home remedies to remove stains. Apply natural yogurt (without any flavor) on the spots of the face and put slices of carrot on top. Leave for a few minutes and rinse. Beauty recipes with yogurt

5. Home remedy for sun spots

Make a thick mixture of lemon and sugar and apply it to the stain for twenty minutes and then wash. Do it only at night and wash your face well the next day before exposing yourself to the sun

6. Mask of cucumber and parsley removes stains

Like lemon, parsley and cucumber also have bleaching effects. A recipe for removing skin blemishes can be made by mixing 5 tablespoons of liquefied cucumber, 5 tablespoons of crushed parsley, 5 tablespoons of sesame oil or wheat germ oil. It is put in a glass jar and closed tightly. It is kept in a dark place for a few days and then applied in compresses for 20 minutes to the spots. He washes his face. Beauty recipes with cucumber

7. Apple cider vinegar

Apply a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar every day and leave for 20 minutes. Then put a layer of unflavored natural yogurt for about 20 minutes. Wash.

8. Coconut cream

Another homemade ingredient that serves to remove stains on the skin is coconut cream. Apply it every night.

9. Clay mask to remove skin spots

2 tablespoons of clay, half orange, the juice of a carrot. He mixes everything and puts it on his face. It is left until it dries and gets hard. Do it when there is nobody because you can not laugh or talk.

10. Onion and vinegar

Onion is good for removing spots on the skin. Vinegar is a natural peel. Crush an onion and mix with vinegar. Apply directly on the stain and let it act for 15 minutes and wash. If you feel irritation wash immediately. Do not expose yourself to the sun after using this remedy.

Lemon to remove skin spots

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is the most popular remedy for fading skin blemishes. But you have to be careful not to expose yourself to the sun while using lemon juice because it can stain the skin more.

Lemon juice with tomato juice

Tomato juice is very beneficial for the skin because of its vitamin A content. You can mix a spoonful of lemon juice and a spoonful of tomato juice, stir and apply with a cotton wool over the spots. Leave about 20 minutes and wash.

Important: Do not expose your skin to the sun after using a remedy with vitamin C (such as lemon)

General recommendations to avoid skin spots

  1. One of the best ways to prevent skin spots is to protect yourself from the sun. Do not expose yourself to the sun during the hours that are strongest and wear a hat or sunscreen when you have to expose. There is currently a controversy over sunscreens that they say can cause skin cancer.
  2. A healthy and balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, should be taken. You can also include fish and nuts that are very good for the health of the skin.
  3. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to keep the body and skin well hydrated.
  4. Before going to bed and after having washed your face you can put extra virgin olive oil cold pressed. Olive oil has powerful antioxidants that not only improve the health of the skin but over time can fade spots. To increase its effectiveness to remove stains you can add equal parts of rosehip seed oil, which is an ingredient used in commercial creams to remove stains.

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