How to make homemade and natural masks

December 22, 2017

Learn how to make homemade masks combining ingredients and applying some tricks to make your natural treatments more effective: how, when and in what order.

Most industrial masks are practical and comfortable to use since, as they come prepared, we must not waste time in preparing them. However, this practicality has a price: the high content of chemical substances, additives and preservatives that penetrate our body through the pores of the skin.

On the other hand, homemade masks made with natural products do not contain toxic substances and, although in principle we can be lazy to elaborate them, the truth is that it will only take a few minutes and we will make sure to provide the skin with nutrients according to our specific needs. These masks also have the advantage of being much more economical, since they are kitchen products that we usually work with and, therefore, are very familiar to us.

Let's see what the steps are, and in what order, to make homemade homemade masks and, above all, effective ones.

The preparations

The ingredients

First of all, it is important to choose the ingredients with which we are going to make our homemade mask, since, depending on the type of skin we have, we must select elements that act in synergy, that is, that have similar properties and act in the same direction . For example, if we have acne skin, we will look for astringent, disinfectant and depurative ingredients that regulate the production of fat in the skin. But if we have sensitive skin, it is best to choose them with anti-inflammatory, soothing and regenerating properties. That is, it is important to know the properties of each of the elements that we are going to incorporate.

Maybe you are thinking that making a homemade mask does not require as much complication, however, we assure you that knowing in depth the natural elements (not only for the skin, but for health) is a fascinating subject that you will be passionate about and with which, little by little, you will enjoy expanding your natural medicine kit of home remedies. So yes ... Take it with enthusiasm! Surely your skin and your body will thank you. If you are interested, visit our article the best ingredients to make homemade masks.

The place, the place and the environment

Second, and equally important, is choosing a day of the week that we can dedicate ourselves to personal care. Our advice is that you make and apply your beauty masks with time and that, in addition to taking care of your skin, it is also an integral personal care. Find a moment that you can enjoy in solitude, put your favorite music, prepare an infusion that you like (or a glass of wine) and enjoy your moment.


Our last suggestion, in terms of the preparations, is that you make the mask in the kitchen and use, whenever possible, wooden or clay elements, instead of plastic or metal, so as not to destroy or alter the properties of the ingredients that let's use

All ready! Let's keep going…

The order of ingredients

Well, we have everything ready for our moment of personal care and skin care. The order of the ingredients is important depending on which you are going to use, so as not to end up making unpoupurri clumped that is impractical or uncomfortable on the skin.

We will suggest an order, depending on what ingredients you are going to use:

If the base is clay

If you are going to make your mask with clay, it will be the first ingredient that you have to prepare and about it, the others. To do this, mix a tablespoon of clay powder with water (common water or better yet, sea water or an infusion with a plant whose properties interest you) in a container until you get a creamy texture that you can apply on the skin (as the texture that industrial masks usually have). Remember that you can correct the texture by adding more water to dilute or more clay to thicken. The amount is not important (only if you do more you will have more and if you do less, you will be scarce on the skin). Once you have this base, go adding the rest of the ingredients.

If the base is fruit

If the base is going to be fruit instead of clay, the first thing you have to do is beat the ones you are going to use and put the puree in a container in which you will be adding the rest of the ingredients. If you want to use both fruit and clay, the order does not matter. Either you prepare the clay cream first and add the fruit or vice versa.

If the base is yogurt

Since the texture of yogurt does not offer problems when applying it, you can use it alone or as a base combined with other ingredients. If you want to use it with clay or fruit, first prepare the clay or fruit and then add the yogurt.

If you are going to use honey

If you are going to use honey, the first thing you have to do is add a small teaspoon in a little hot water to dissolve it. Then, add it to the base (clay or fruit, both or yogurt).

If you are going to use other ingredients

If you are going to use any other ingredient, this is the time to add it (seaweed, beaten egg, etc).

If you are going to use vegetable oil

Our advice is that, once the mask is finished, add vegetable oils and essential oils for their fabulous beneficial properties for the skin. First add a tablespoon (or more) of the vegetable oil that you like. If you want to know which one is most appropriate for you, visit our article the most used vegetable oils in natural cosmetics.

If you are going to use essential oils

To use essential oils it is very important to know the particular properties of each one and take into account some important precautions. Essential oils are great therapeutic tools to improve wrinkles, acne, varicose veins, fluid retention, moisturize dry skin, soothe sensitive skin or regulate the sebum of oily skin. So we recommend that, in all your masks, add a few drops of essential oil that interests you. Of course, find out about their properties. In our section of essential oils you have a list of the most used in cosmetics and their peculiarities and indications. To incorporate the essential oil, add 3 to 5 drops in total, always at the end, after adding all the other ingredients.

Obviously these are just some suggestions, since masks can be done in a thousand different ways. We suggest these so you have something to start. Actually, we encourage you to experiment and try your own tricks (tell us!)

The ceremony

We already have ready our homemade mask that we have elaborated with care and care and that our skin (and our spirit) will appreciate. The time has come to apply it.

In principle it may seem that applying it, as well as doing it, does not matter much, but it does. If you consider some tricks before and after the application, the result will be much more effective. In our report tricks to apply homemade and natural masks we explain how to apply the mask and the order of the previous and subsequent steps to carry out a real integral treatment of cosmetics, a personal care ceremony to fill your life and your spirit of joy And beauty.

We also propose some examples so you can see how to use these ingredients that we have suggested making masks with clay, egg, seaweed, honey or fruit and we leave this video for you to see how to do it (keep in mind that the proportions of the ones we've talked about are for a facial mask and that the video is corporal, so the proportions are greater).

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