5 Makeup habits harmful to your health

December 22, 2017

Makeup has become one of the greatest allies of beauty for most of us, since it helps us to correct those small imperfections that appear on our face due to factors such as the passage of time or stress.

Thanks to the great advance of the cosmetics industry, we not only find ourselves with better and better products but also with a multitude of low-cost alternatives to those high-end products that not all of us can afford.

But, despite so many improvements, not using the products correctly and adopting bad habits has only increased skin problems.

It is very important to be aware of what should and should not be done with each product so as not to take risks in the health of our skin. So I'll show you next, the five bad uses we make of makeup:


Although it is normal to share things between friends and family, such as clothing or accessories, sharing makeup products such as lipsticks or using the same brush, increases the risk that you also share viral infections such as conjunctivitis or some of the bacteria that They produce acne on the skin.


Using false eyelashes help us look more intense and expressive. That is why some women choose to use them quite frequently in their day to day.

The problem is that these types of products stick to the skin through a glue. And it is precisely this product that can be dangerous to health, since some of them contain formaldehyde, a component that can irritate our eyes if it is abused. And not only that, but it can make our natural eyelashes become more fragile and break.

Despite this, we do not have to do without this product if we take the necessary precautions:

  • Do not abuse its use
  • Never go to sleep with them on
  • Use a good quality glue.
  • No use any type of glue, much less if you use them very often.


Sleeping without having previously removed make-up is something that, perhaps, we have all done on occasion. And is that sometimes we get so tired home after a day of work or after a night of partying, it costs us our own life to remove makeup. And in the best of cases we end up using wipes that do not always make up to remove it completely.

But sleeping with the remains of makeup causes the pores of our skin to become clogged, becoming more prone to developing some type of acne. This bad habit means that our skin does not get sufficient oxygenation to repair properly during the night. The eye area is the area of ​​our face that suffers the most from this.

What I recommend is that, as long as you do make-up with wipes, then wash your face to finish removing all the makeup. Even if you do not apply any cream afterwards, at least you will spend the night with clean skin and free of waste.


As with food products, makeup has its expiration date, that period that goes from the moment it opens until the deadline in which they assure us that their compounds are in perfect condition.

Normally, they do not appear with a specific expiration date (unless they are natural products with hardly any preservatives, as is the case of LUSH), but they are represented by symbols such as' 6M '(6 months from its opening),' 12M '(12 months or 1 year),' 24M '(24 months or 2 years) ...

Once the indicated date has passed, it is recommended not to apply them, as it is likely that the composition of the product has changed, becoming an unsafe cosmetic to apply to our skin.

That is a very controversial topic, because my personal experience tells me that, except in natural products, it is not necessary to be so strict. I have had cosmetics that, after that recommended date, were in perfect condition and I was able to use them without any problem. However there are others that have spoiled me quite quickly. My recommendation is that you always ensure that this product is in perfect condition, noting that its texture, consistency, color and smell have not changed. But the best thing is that you do not risk and respect the expiration date of the products, as it could cause an infection or irritation produced by bacteria that could eventually proliferate. Better safe than sorry.


When we use the eyeliners on the water line or 'waterline', we can be introducing bacteria inside our eyes and develop infections or some obstruction in the sebaceous glands, since it is estimated that 30% of the particles of the Eyeliners that we apply in that area, enter the protective layer of our eye.

But, I believe that the cosmetic industry has advanced so much that most of the products that we find in the market have gone through quality controls that guarantee that we do not suffer this type of problems, since the specific delineators for this delicate area are usually composed of non-aggressive ingredients and respectful with our eyes. But yes, be very careful with using products of unknown origin or brand, especially if you have sensitive eyes. We do not know if quality controls have passed.

So now you know. Take the necessary precautions and do not put your health at risk, which is far above beauty.

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