How to make exfoliants for oily skin

December 26, 2017

Exfoliate the skin is one of the most beneficial cosmetic rituals for our dermis because it helps us to eliminate the dead cells that accumulate in the face and body, favoring the softness, the luminosity and helping to facilitate the cleansing process. It is a key habit to keep skin with closed pores and also to help disguise scars and marks.

But when it comes to opting for home exfoliation solutions it is important to choose the ones that are right for your skin type, thus you will be able to enhance their attributes without highlighting their negative sides. If your problem is the excess of bait in the dermis, in we explain how to make exfoliants for oily skin and to show a perfect face.

What to keep in mind when exfoliating oily skin

When we choose natural products to exfoliate this type of dermis, it is essential to take into account that the oil-based ingredients increase the presence of bait on the skin, significantly affecting their appearance, so they should be avoided. Instead it is recommended to use citrus fruits such as lemon or kiwi that help to diminish and neutralize fat, this makes the skin look much cleaner and beautiful.

Additionally, green clay is especially recommended for oily skin, since in addition to serving as an exfoliant, it is an excellent ingredient to make a cleansing face mask that eliminates toxins and leaves your skin soft and beautiful.

To exfoliate your face properly you should:

  • Clean your face beforehand. 
  • Apply the exfoliant with a damp face so that it spreads better on the skin. 
  • Make gentle circular and ascending movements to spread the product. 
  • It is not necessary to rub hard, this will only irritate the skin. 
  • Remove with cold water to help the pores to close. 
  • Exfoliate once a week for perfect skin.

Exfoliating oatmeal, lemon and water

Oatmeal is one of the best natural exfoliants for the body and face, helps eliminate dead cells and moisturize the skin, providing softness in a single use. If we join it with lemon we will have a perfect alternative for oily skin, because this citrus is an excellent astringent that helps control the bait on the skin.

To develop this option you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of flakes or oatmeal
  • ¼ cup of water
  • The juice of half a lemon
Hydrate the oat flakes in the water for 10 minutes so that they soften, after that time add lemon juice to the mixture and stir well. 

Apply the paste on your face in circular movements to get the perfect effect, then remove with cold water.

Sugar and lemon, an ideal classic

When it comes to eliminating dead skin cells sugar is one of the most used options, which is why it stands out among the exfoliants for ideal fat skin. By itself it is beneficial, but if we add a few drops of lemon juice, we will enhance the astringent properties, achieving a better effect.

To do so, you need:

  • A spoonful of sugar
  • The juice of half a lemon

Mix both ingredients and, if necessary, add a few drops of water to soften the paste. Then apply on the moist face with gentle circular movements, remove with cold water.

Green clay, perfect for exfoliating and cleaning

Green clay is full of skin benefits, especially if your dermis is oily. This product helps to cleanse the skin in depth, contributes to its regeneration, calms and deflates the dermis, has antiseptic properties and is also a great exfoliant, so you will have a complete and natural cosmetic

If you want to make this exfoliating mask you only need:

  • 2 tablespoons of green clay for cosmetic use, for sale in natural products stores.
  • Drinking water.
In a plastic container and using a plastic spoon, never of metal because the properties of the product will be lost, add the two tablespoons of clay and a little water to create a thick paste. 

Apply the mask with a clean face evenly, let it act for 10 minutes and then remove with circular movements. Your skin will look renewed.

Kiwi and sugar, exfoliation and nutrition

Among the options to make exfoliants for oily skin, an excellent combination is that of kiwi and sugar because it provides the skin with vitamin C and the antioxidants of this fruit, reducing fat and improving the appearance of the face, while sugar favors the elimination of dead cells.

You only need:

  • 1 kiwi, peeled and crushed
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
Mix both ingredients and apply to the face with circular movements, remove with cold water and looks spectacular skin.

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