How to apply vitamin and in the skin

December 26, 2017

Vitamin and has been recognized as the vitamin of youth and life thanks to its strong effect against free radicals, which are the cause of the aging process of cells and skin. that is why that if you are looking for a good ally of natural beauty you help see you younger and deal with wrinkles visible, start using vitamin and as external is a safe bet. see all possible choices in the next article uncomo on how to apply vitamin and in the skin.

Steps to follow:

1. Apply vitamin E directly on the skin of the face is a simple measure that will really benefit you in the long term, it helps to delay the effects of aging. The skin is daily exposed to the action of free radicals, which damage the production of collagen and cell regeneration resulting in a premature or more rapid development of wrinkles in the face. In addition, vitamin E protects the skin from environmental pollutants and from the sun's rays.

2. Due to its action against the aging of the skin, vitamin E is one of the main ingredients of many commercial anti-aging creams, but if you want to take advantage of its properties in a more direct way, we recommend acquiring the vitamin E capsules that you can find in herbalists, pharmacies or stores specializing in the sale of natural products.

You will only have to apply its content on the skin of the well-cleaned face just before going to sleep so that it penetrates perfectly into it throughout the night. With this simple step, your skin will start to be much more vital, fresh and young.

3. Another way to apply vitamin E on the skin is to add the liquid of the vitamin E capsules directly into your usual moisturizer or anti-aging cream, thus enhancing its effect to prevent and combat wrinkles or fine lines. Pour the contents of a capsule inside your cream and spread it over your face when it is completely clean and free of impurities. It affects those areas most affected by the passage of time and you will quickly begin to notice the results.

And if you want to make your own anti-aging cream and win the battle over time with the help of the best natural products, then do not miss the recipes that we show you in the article How to make a homemade anti-wrinkle cream.

4. And vitamin E can also be used to make effective homemade mascaras that will allow you to benefit at the same time from the moisturizing and rejuvenating properties of other natural ingredients. We propose you to make a facial mask based on cucumber and vitamin E, ideal to restore the radiance and the lost radiance to the skin.

To prepare it, you have to liquefy a well peeled cucumber with the liquid of two vitamin E capsules. Apply the mixture obtained on the face and rest for at least 10 or 15 minutes with it on.

5. In addition to applying vitamin E to the skin following the above methods, it is important that this nutrient is part of your daily diet to promote your health, because it strengthens the immune system and protects the body from some diseases that can affect you at cardiovascular level. Check the following article to know which foods are rich in vitamin E and do not hesitate to increase your consumption in your diet.

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