Oily skin: Care and Home Remedies

February 01, 2018

In this article we show you how to care for oily skin, some very effective home remedies and healthy habits to regulate the production of fat in the skin and maintain it, at the same time, hydrated, nourished and full of vitality.

You may think that having oily skin is a disorder and, indeed, if the fat becomes infected and results in acne, it is. But think of the good side. The fat cells provide elasticity to the skin and support and help it to withstand much better the passage of time and wrinkles so ... Rejoice! It's just about keeping the production of fat at bay and keeping it from getting infected. For the rest ... Everything is advantages!

In this article we will show you some homemade remedies with the best natural products for the skin specially indicated for oily skin that, when used regularly, will help you to regulate the production of sebum. And we will also review some healthy life habits to keep in good condition, not only the skin, but the whole organism.

Vegetable and essential oils for oily skin

One of the reasons why the skin can become infected and produce excess fat is the continued use of certain industrial cosmetics that, although momentarily "hide" the symptoms, over time make them worse. The Dangers of Industrial Cosmetics affect not only the skin, but the entire organism. Most of the industrial creams are made from paraffin, a substance derived from the oil industry that is highly occlusive and that, according to many expert voices, is deposited in different parts of the body intoxicating it.

Vegetable and essential oils are a fabulous natural alternative to replace industrial creams. Maybe, at first, you think that an oil will increase the fat of your skin leaving an oily appearance, but ... Nothing is further from reality! These magnificent natural oils balance the production of fat, absorb quickly and stimulate the skin's natural defenses. Vegetable oils and essential oils are not the same. Each of them is obtained with different methods and their properties, as well as applications and conditions of use, are different and should be known.

If you want to know which are the most suitable to moisturize oily skin visit our article vegetable oils and essential oils for oily skin. And if you want to know how to make a mixture of several of them to make the application more effective, see our article how to make cosmetic mixtures with vegetable and essential oils.

Fruitteraphy for oily skin

The fruits and vegetables available from the earth provide us with numerous nutrients, vitamins and minerals that make them excellent allies of the skin regulating their natural balance.

There are several ways to take advantage of the many virtues of fruit therapy. Either we eat them (especially vegetables in all the dishes of the day), or we apply them on the skin. In the topical application it is advisable to make homemade masks that incorporate the most indicated fruits to balance the fat. If you want to know the characteristics of the most suitable fruits for you, consult our article the best fruits and vegetables for the skin. And if you want a good example of how to use them by combining them with other natural ingredients in an effective way, visit our article how to make homemade and natural masks.

Other natural ingredients for oily skin

In addition to oils and fruit, our natural pantry features some fabulous natural ingredients to stimulate the skin's defenses and keep it full of life.

The properties and benefits of clay on the skin are many. In the case of oily or acneic skin we recommend that you use green clay. But yes, try to be powdered clay and not emulsified as they tend to sell industrial firms because, when they come ready to use, often carry chemical ingredients are not recommended and also the clay has lost many of its beneficial properties. The best way to use it is in the form of a mask, combining it with fruits and essential vegetable oils. Consult a concrete example to know how to do it in our homemade astringent mask for oily skin.

Another very practical and effective ingredient for oily or acneic skin is honey. This delicious delicacy made by bees has a very complex chemical composition whose elements help restore the skin and disinfect it in depth, thus preventing the appearance of the happy granites. In fact, it is one of the ingredients that should not be missing in our natural first aid kit for its ability to disinfect and regenerate wounds or burns.

We also propose that you make a natural cream for oily skin with specific oils that regulate the production of sebum and beeswax. Take a look at this video to learn how to do it. It is very easy and it will hardly take you a few minutes.

Skin care

If, in addition to using natural products that stimulate the defenses of your skin, you follow a beauty routine with patience, care and dedication, you will see results sooner than you expect. If you have oily skin, we recommend you:

  • Once a day, in the morning, when you get up and before leaving home, apply neroli hydroxide in the form of a tonic and a mixture of vegetable and essential oils or a natural cream of beeswax. At night, we advise you to simply remove makeup with jojoba vegetable oil and clean the dirt afterwards, then rinse with water, without applying anything else, to let the skin rest.
  • Once a week, make a natural mask as we have indicated before and perform a session of beauty and skin nutrition. First, remove makeup, then apply neroli hydroxide in the form of a tonic, then the mask, and finally, moisten again with the hydrolate, apply your daily hydration product (oils or natural cream).
  • Once a month, perform a natural exfoliation. If you want to know how to do it visit our article home remedies to exfoliate the skin. After exfoliation, perform the treatment with mask, hydrolate and final moisturizer.

Food and habits

It is not necessary to explain that, in reality, applying natural products on the skin (no matter how great they are) is useless when we do not take care of ourselves internally. The excess of fat in the skin and the appearance of acne have to do, in many occasions, with a deficient or inadequate feeding that generates toxicity in the organism that the skin must purify somewhere, in this case the skin.

To detoxify the body and with it the skin, we recommend you:
  • Drink plenty of water. The more hydrated the organism is, the easier it will be to get rid of some toxic substances. Take a look at the water needs in our body.
  • Healthy nutrition. Try to follow good eating habits that benefit the correct functioning of the whole body, such as reducing the consumption of meat and fat, eat plenty of cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables and, above all, remove from the pantry all denatured industrial products that they possess infinity of alimentary additives and that they have lost their nutritional properties in the manufacturing processes. Consult how to develop a balanced and healthy diet and how to detoxify the body.
  • Do moderate exercise. Practicing moderate exercise such as walking or yoga offers magnificent results, not only in the health of your skin, but of your entire body.
  • Rest. Rest, like regular exercise, is essential to keep your defenses strong. Something that, without a doubt, will also be reflected in the skin.
These are just some guidelines you can follow to keep your skin healthy, but nature has infinite treasures, many still to be discovered. As always, our advice is that you try, experiment and search until you find the natural ingredients and habits that benefit you the most.

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