How to permanently remove the pimples from the face

January 25, 2018

Grains are the unwanted guests of our face, always appearing at the least indicated time to cause us discomfort and eclipse part of our appeal. But saying goodbye to them forever, or at least reducing their frequent appearance is possible, only requires some care and attention. We give you good advice so you can discover how to permanently remove the pimples from your face and be able to wear a face that is always perfect and free of impurities.

Causes of the appearance of pimples on the face

By removing the cases of medium or severe acne that require medical attention, to begin eliminating the appearance of pimples it is necessary to know what causes them. Thus, among the most common causes of pimples on the face we find the following:

  • An inadequate diet
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Environmental changes
  • Stress and nerves
  • Poor facial hygiene and pore obstruction
  • Product use unsuitable to skin type

Below we will explain different ways to keep granites away from your face. With these methods you can both eliminate them and help prevent their appearance.

Facial Cleansing

You should start by improving the skin care of your face. Perform a good facial daily is essential to keep our face in good condition. Do not forget to always choose the right products for your skin type, in this way you will benefit from its properties instead of damaging your complexion. Sulfur soap is a good ally to remove pimples from the face if your skin is oily, in case it is dry you should use another with moisturizing properties such as honey soap, calendula or olive oil.

Exfoliate the skin of the face

Exfoliate your face with a special product for the skin of this area at least once a week is essential to remove the pimples from your face and prevent their appearance. The exfoliation eliminates the dead cells that accumulate in the skin, favoring its cleaning and improving its appearance.

Homemade masks for facial grains

Among the best home remedies to remove pimples from the face we find that face masks with natural products are really effective and easy to make. For example, one of the best products is honey, because thanks to its antiseptic and moisturizing power it helps regulate our skin and fight the bacteria that cause granites. Go ahead and try one of these two recipes:

Honey and lemon

Another great ingredient to treat the impurities of the face is lemon, since it is astringent, helps to eliminate fat, provides vitamins and unifies the tone of the dermis. So, mix half a glass of lemon juice with 4 tablespoons of honey and make a homogeneous paste to spread it over your face or the most affected parts. Let it act for 20-30 minutes and remove it with plenty of cold and warm water. It is recommended that you do it 2 or 3 times a week for as long as you need to get the best results.

Honey and cinnamon

This combination will help to reduce the inflammation of the face and will give it a deep hydration while eliminating bacterial agents. To make this mask you only have to mix a little honey and cinnamon until it is a fairly homogeneous paste, wash your face and apply the mixture on the parts most affected by the pimples before going to sleep. The next morning remove all the remains of the mask with abundant cold water. You can do this treatment 2 times a week and, if you do not want to sleep with this treatment on your face, you can let it act for at least half an hour before removing it. You will notice that little by little the imperfections are disappearing and from the first moment your skin is much more hydrated and radiant.


One of the reasons why the grains appear is thanks to the clogging of the pores, which are clogged with the dirt and grease that our skin produces. Exercising and sweating is one of the best ways to keep pores clean, but it is also convenient to establish a routine so that, frequently, you close the open pores and decrease the chances of pimples appearing.

Healthy food

The feeding is fundamental to avoid that the grains continue appearing in your face. Take into account that an unbalanced diet, full of junk food, fats and sugar affects our skin and often results in the appearance of grains, so it is important to reduce fat in our meals, as well as sugars, and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that benefit our skin.

Products for facial skin

Choose the right products for your skin type of the face. Many times the pimples appear because we do not know how to take care of our complexion. If your skin is oily or mixed you should not use creams with an oily base, prefer those based on water, much better for you. In this way, you will be able to keep the pores clean for much longer.

Remember that everything you apply on your face should be specific products for the face: sunscreen, scrub, moisturizers, etc. The skin of your face is much more sensitive and delicate than the rest of your body, that's why it requires special attention. Remembering this will help you keep pimples and pimples away from you.

Tips to remove pimples from the face

If you want to know how to remove the grains from your face take note of the following tips to achieve it properly and with great results:

  • Part of the trick to eliminate the appearance of pimples, besides taking care of the complexion and improving nutrition, is learning to be constant and to recognize when our face needs attention. The basic facial cleansing should be done daily, the exfoliation once a week and the deeper cleansing to remove the fat from the pores every week or every two weeks.
  • Follow a routine of facial hygiene to clean and exfoliate your face, using products appropriate to your skin type.
  • When you finish exfoliating use a special astringent product for the face, to close the pores, in the T zone ie the forehead, nose and chin.
  • Remove your makeup before going to sleep so that the pores transpire well during your hours of rest. Also, do not abuse the use of makeup.
  • Never squeeze a pimple to heal it, it may open on its own when it matures enough. Yes you can use some tricks like the heat app to help him mature faster. Or you can apply cold if you want to reduce it.
  • Take good care of your diet and forget to eat processed and fatty foods regularly.
  • If despite all these tips, the pimples still appear on your face too often then it is advisable that you visit a dermatologist to offer you a more professional solution.

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