Home remedies for dry skin of the body - the most effective!

December 06, 2017

Do you need to find home remedies to hydrate the skin of the body that really work? Then, you have arrived at the perfect article. We show you what are those natural products that due to their multiple beneficial properties for the skin can help you to hydrate it in depth, protect it from all external damages and beautify it at the same time.

When the skin of the body is very dry is that it has lost much of its ability to retain water and keep the tissues well moist, so it will be necessary to repair their daily care and nutrition with those treatments that allow Regain that ability again and stay in good condition. Continue reading and find out about the most effective home remedies for dry skin of the body.

1.    Why my body skin dries
2.    Home remedies to moisturize the skin of the body
3.    Coconut oil to hydrate very dry skin of the body
4.    A milk bath, very soothing and moisturizing
5.    Honey, ideal for dry and scaly skin
6.    Homemade moisturizer for the body of aloe Vera
7.    Home remedies for dry skin of the legs

Why my body skin dries

When the skin of the body is dry, you can notice how it looks stiff, rough, scaly, tight and even itchy in some cases. Although dryness can affect any part of the body, the fact is that there are areas more prone than others, such as the legs, elbows, hands or feet. Among the main causes of dry skin of the body, are the following:

  • ·         Exposure to extreme temperatures, such as high heat, cold or dry air.

  • ·         Exposure to UV rays.

  • ·         Aging.

  • ·         Scarce or deficient hydration.

  • ·         Washes or long baths with very hot water.

  • ·         Consumption of some medications or certain medical treatments, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

  • ·         Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy or during menopause.

·         Lack of nutrients and vitamins in the daily diet. In the following article we show what good foods to moisturize dry skin are.

·         Condition of some diseases, such as acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, etc.

Home remedies to moisturize the skin of the body

Next, we will show you what are the best home remedies for dry skin of the body; a selection of natural products with high moisturizing, moisturizing and soothing properties that will offer even better results than body lotions available in cosmetic stores. Among them, are the following:

  • ·         Coconut oil
  • ·         Cocoa butter
  • ·         Milk
  • ·         Honey
  • ·         Almonds oil
  • ·         Avocado
  • ·         Rosehip oil
  • ·         Aloe Vera
  • ·         Rose oil
  • ·         Water of roses
  • ·         Coconut oil to hydrate very dry skin of the body

Without a doubt, coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for dry skin of the body. This oil contains auric acid, vitamins E and K, which allow to moisturize the skin's tissues in depth, combating extreme dryness, peeling and tightness. In addition, it helps to preserve collagen and elastin in the skin, which are essential to maintain youth and prevent skin aging.


You can apply a little coconut oil on the drier areas of your body and leave on all night. Another good option is to add a few drops of oil to your usual body moisturizer to enhance its effects.

Moisturizing body oil of coconut oil

A homemade recipe that offers great results and maximum hydration is the cream of coconut oil and cocoa butter.

To prepare it, you only have to mix 1/2 cup of coconut oil with 1/4 of cocoa butter, melting both ingredients in a water bath. Once they have been integrated, remove from heat and wait for it to cool. You will have to use this body cream after showering on the driest areas of the body.

A milk bath, very soothing and moisturizing

A treatment for dry skin of the body that in addition to a great humidification, will give you an incredible relaxation is to make milk baths. The lactic acid allows to eliminate the dead cells of the skin, giving it a lot of softness and protecting its ability to retain moisture. After these baths, your body will be silkier than ever.


To make a milk bath, it is best to first make a mixture of 1/2 cup of milk powder, 1 cup of liquid milk, 1/4 cup of honey, a few drops of oil or rose water and 3 tablespoons of water. Triturate all the ingredients and pour the preparation in the water of the bathtub. Take a relaxing bath for about 20 minutes and enjoy the experience.

Honey, ideal for dry and scaly skin

When the skins of some areas of the body are very dry and scaly, a safe and quick way to give them the hydration they need is by using honey. This substance hydrates the skin intensely, since it has the ability to attract and retain water in it, in addition to retaining its natural flexibility and elasticity. Discover more properties in the article what are the benefits of honey for the skin.


Make a mixture of 5 tablespoons of honey, 5 tablespoons of almond oil and 2 tablespoons of rose oil. Use this homemade lotion to moisturize the skin of the body once you get out of the shower, even when your skin is wet.

Another effective treatment is to apply a little honey to the driest areas of the body and leave for 10 minutes before bathing or showering.

Homemade moisturizer for the body of aloe Vera

Among the home remedies to moisturize the very dry skin of the body, also highlights aloe Vera gel or aloe Vera. The sap provided by this plant, besides being regenerative, is very moisturizing and nourishing, which is ideal for when the skin is very dry and needs moisturization. It will help keep the skin of the body well protected and free of impurities.


In this case, we suggest you prepare a homemade aloe Vera cream based on 1/2 cup of aloe gel, 1/2 avocado pulp and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Grind all the ingredients with the blender and apply the cream obtained on the areas you want to moisturize. This is also a good natural remedy to eliminate stretch marks.
On the other hand, you can also use the aloe Vera gel after the shower as if it were a body cream.

Home remedies for dry skin of the legs

One of the parts of the body that tends to resect more are the legs and it is that they do not have so many sebaceous glands and they are constantly subjected to aggressive depilations that can cause them to be more dry and rough. Next, we reveal some good home remedies to moisturize the dry skin of the legs, take note:

Almond oil: before going to bed at night, apply almond oil on the legs and let it act until the next day. When you get up, wash with plenty of soap and water and you will see how your legs are much softer and more beautiful.

Rosehip oil: in addition to moisturizing the legs, it will help you to fight the flaccidity in them. Add a few drops of this oil to your usual body cream and use it after the shower.

Avocado and lemon cream: mash the pulp of an avocado and mix it with the juice of 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon. Apply on the legs and let it act for about 10 or 15 minutes. It will serve to combat the dryness and desquamation.

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