Discover how to close the pores naturally

September 13, 2017

A good exfoliation is essential to clean the skin and eliminate dead cells. This prevents dirt from clogging pores and acne or blackheads.

Different are the causes that cause the pores to appear more open and unsightly. It may be due to the lack of good exfoliating treatments, poor skin care, inheritance, sun damage, black spots, unbalanced diet, etc. In the next article you will learn how to close the pores in a natural way to look much prettier.

Although the models on television, cinema or advertising have a porcelain skin, without any imperfection, people "flesh and blood" often suffer from pores, too open, in some cases, impossible to cover or minimize. Or at least that's what we thought so far. There are different natural remedies that can help you modify the appearance of the pores and your skin in general.

Beauty routine for enlarged pores

Follow the steps of this routine to gradually eliminate the ugly appearance of open or enlarged pores.

Exfoliate twice a week

This will prevent dead skin cells, as well as dirt, from clogging pores and causing acne or blackheads. Use a cotton cloth soaked a little with warm (moist) water and rub it gently on the skin.

Take a steam bath once a week

This will help you open the pores, remove residues, impurities and grease. Then they will return to their natural size. Place a saucepan with boiling water and when it boils, turn off the fire, bring the face close, covering your head with a towel. Just as you would do to make yourself vapors if you are sick. Rinse with warm water and dry carefully.

Apply a face mask.

Once you have finished the steam bath, the pores will be wide open, so that any treatment you do will give you better results. The most recommended are clay masks, because they eliminate acne and absorb excess fat, but also reduce the size of the pores.

Clean your face every morning When you get up

The first thing you should do is wash your face with warm or warm water and apply a homemade facial cleanser. This is done by mixing half a cup of water, ¼ cup of milk, two tablespoons of baking soda and an egg white. They will cleanse your pores deeply and remove surface bacteria that could clog pores. Rub gently and rinse with warm water.

Hydrates with aloe vera

This plant has many properties for well-being and skin care. Aloe Vera will help tone the face, control imperfections and protect you from external agents. You can have an aloe vera plant at home, cut a penca and extract the internal gel. Apply on face and allow to dry before rinsing.

Home Remedies for Open Pores

Pay close attention to the following natural recipes to say goodbye to open pores especially on the face:

Lemon juice

This citrus has the ability to remove skin blemishes but also to improve the overall appearance of the dermis. To make the effect even more effective and reduce open pores it is recommended to combine with pineapple. The ingredients are:

  • The juice of 1 lemon

  • The juice of 1 pineapple

  • Mix both and apply on the face already washed with neutral soap. If you have very sensitive skin, you better use a good moisturizer. Remember that this remedy should be applied at night and before bed because the contact of the acid of the fruit with the sun generates an effect to nothing desirable.

This dairy not only serves to regularize the intestine but also has very good external applications for aesthetics. In this case, it is proven that it acts to close the pores. Once a week, apply a face mask on yogurt. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Egg white

There are many properties of this part of the egg for our beauty (for example to make a hair mask). It tonifies the dermis and gradually reduces the enlarged pores. Beat an egg white with a fork and apply a thin layer to the face. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. You can repeat up to 3 times a week.

Orange juice

This is an economical homemade recipe to reduce the ugly appearance of open pores. The nitric acid in this fruit will make a natural scrub and cleanse your pores. Vitamin C will reaffirm the skin. Squeeze an orange and soak a cotton in the juice, which you will apply on the skin. Another option is to cut the orange in half and go through the face. In any case, let it act for five minutes and rinse well with cold water. Do not do this treatment during the day or if you are going out on the street, because the sun can stain your face. It is best to have it at night.

Oatmeal Mask

Place a cup of oats in a food processor or blender. Grind until dusty. Pour 1/2 cup of warm water and stir well until a paste is formed. Apply on face and leave until completely dry. Rinse skin with warm water.

Ice cubes

Take some ice cubes from the refrigerator. Pass them directly on the face, no more than 30 seconds so that the skin does not burn. You will get an immediate tension effect. Ideal to do after bathing.

Sodium bicarbonate

Make a paste by mixing baking soda and warm water in equal parts. With circular movements, massage on the face for about 30 seconds and rinse with cold water. Repeat for a full week and the next week reduce to three times.

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